Monday, June 19, 2006

The Deuce Weekly, 6/19 - 6/25/01

Volume II, Iss V

Coming Up:
*Tuesday, June 19th... Heardmont Park, softball! Meet in the back of the park at what Sybil calls the Frilly Meadows (or something like that) around 6pm, bring your glove and some Gatorade!

*Wednesday, June 20th... AtlantaFest begins in Atlanta. Four days of some of the top Christian music acts performing at Six Flags over Georgia. For ticket information and info, contact, or contact Michael at

*Thursday, June 21st, 6:30... Nathan Tutor has begun a brand new series on roles as children of God, everyone from males to females to mates to sons and daughters... what are our roles? Come find out! This is also Praise and Worship night, where we will pray a bit longer and sing a bit more! Contact for more details!

*Friday, June 22nd-24th... Some of us are going to Atlanta for Friday night and Saturday, returning early Sunday morning in time for church. While some are at AtlantaFest, others of us are doing the cheap thing, and finding other outlets of entertainment. Lodging provided by the Divine Miss Em! Contact Emmy at for more details.

*Friday, June 29th-30th... WalkAbout Dinner Theater... WalkAbout: On Holy Ground. Besides Common Ground, The Deuce and TIffany Arbuckle, my other obsession lies with the Middle School Drama Team, WalkAbout. Dinner is $5, show to follow is free, get your reservations by calling 991-5282 and talking to Ashley. Showtimes both nights at 7pm.

*Tuesday, July 3rd-4th... BBQ Night! We are selling mass quantities of BBQ at $8 a pound for the Seattle Mission Trip in August. This particular night, we are going to gather together and cut up BBQ all night long, to get it ready to sell on the Fourth of July. Should be a hoot. Contact Sybil for more details at or

*Saturday, July 7th... DEUCEFEST DEUCE
The Absolute Biggest Party at Rollingwood You'll Find That Afternoon, We Promise.
Three bucks at the door gets you all the hamburgers and hot dogs you can eat, drinks, access to the pool, the food, the ice cream and all the fellowship you can possibly handle.
In Concert:
DJ Phrenzy
Digital Lester (honestly... you never thought you'd hear that name again, did you?)
Justin Glenn
and headlining her first show, Stephanie Knipp.
Also, a chance to play The Deuce Weakest Link.Be There! Or, be somewhere else, but not having near as much fun.

*Saturday, August 4th... StephStock...Our salute and temporary goodbye to The Deuce First Lady, Stephanie Knipp. We are gathering at Meredith Q's field out in Boondock, Alabama, and Factor 7 will be there, plugged in and loud. More details to come.

Coming Soon:
*July 14th... Le Perc at Common Ground, a coffeehouse with a twist.
*July 20th-21st... Youth Evangelism Conference with Salvador, LaRue and Rebecca St. James in concert.
*July 27th... Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Alabama Theater.
*August 3rd-4th... FurnaceFest, a hardcore Christian music festival at Sloss Furnace.
*August 7th... N'Sync in concert
*August 24th... Grease at the Alabama Theater
*September 1st... The DFC Begins Season II... more info soon.
*September 2001... Survivor III kicks off
*October 20th... DeuceNight, our first semi formal
*December... Jill graduates from Auburn, Jaquinn graduates from Alabama
*December 22nd... Its a Wonderful Deuce Christmas
*February 2002.... Deuce Date Party 2
*May 2002... Star Wars Episode II
*Summer 2002... Matt and Ginger tie the knot

The DRL (deuce request live) Top Five of Everything....
5... Vic Paschel vs. Wookiee in the belly flop showdown. Drew Morris described it best.... a water displacement phenomena.
4... Colorado Avalanche. I don’t think I've ever watched a complete hockey game in my life, but I still love the 'Lanch! (fitting that I just finished watching the Carolina Hurricanes take the Stanley Cup)
3... The Deuce. Not our Deuce, but the intern The Deuce from Rick and Bubba. Talking to her now.
2... The number 24. Thats my rank on Tetris right now (for not Tetrites, 30 is the highest, so I'm getting closer) (never got higher than 28)
1... New Kids on the Block. You can catch their E! True Hollywood Story this month, and its awesome... the fathers of The Boy Band as we know it.
Just missing the cut: Sarah Hasha, Sybil's Luau, Face First belly flops,Melissa and Amy Valdmanis

The Spotlight Haiku
Continuing in our series of Spotlight Haikus for The Deuce, in celebration of Deuce History Month, I give you our fifth Deuce Haiku. This time, we spotlight Malcolm, the table crapping, lettice eating lizard.
Malcolm, crapping on
the table, scaring the Wook.
Hey! Tastes like chicken!

If I Can Be Serious for a Minute.
Okay, in a follow up to last week's IICBSFAM section, I read today that Timothy McVeigh actually did meet with a priest right before his execution. His last rites were read, something that has to be asked for by the prisoner. Only God knows if McVeigh really meant to pray for forgiveness (it was totally contradictory of everything he'd said so far) or if it was for show, but I thought it was encouraging anyway. Thought I'd share.

This Week's Top Ten List
Top Ten Signs The Deuce Needs to Be Cleaned (topic chosen by Stefanie Jovi)
10... Sarah asked "What died in here?!" and we showed her.
9... There's suddenly an added scene in the hit motion picture Black Dog where Charles S. Dutton has a dust reaction and dies.
8... Michael wins the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, but Ed McMahon refuses to leave the van.
7... The so-called "dust bunnies" have sharp snapping teeth.
6... The Deuce gets hit by a twister, and it actually looks cleaner.
5... Earl takes one look at Shawn and Tom's bathroom, and heads for the pool instead.
4... Shawn mourns for days when one of the stains in the toilet he worked so hard to build is cleaned away.
3... Every time you turn on a faucet, you hear a muffled barking sound.
2... Bounty paper towel commercials suddenly have the line "Its the quicker picker upper... unless you live at 2715C, where there is no hope."
1... We've been recieving death threats from Mr. Clean.

Top Ten Christian Albums of All Time
We are up to number eight on our list of Christian albums, voted on by you the people. But first, here's some of Ashley O'Neal's faves, in no particular order:"Much Afraid", Jars of Clay; "Free at Last", dcTalk; "Sonic Flood", Sonic Flood; "Without Condition", Ginny Owens; "Candycoatedwaterdrops", Plumb.
Number Ten - Craig's Brother, "Homecoming"

Number Nine - Third Day, "Third Day"
Number Eight-Nichole Nordeman, "Wide Eyed"
Her lyrics contain valuble insights into the Christian's walk. The recurring theme seems to be a desire to know Christ and be shaped to His image. This is seen in both the opening prayer "To Know You" and the closing surrender of "River God." The songs in between struggle with this issue as well, but also deal with deep insight into the Christian faith. The lyrics, written by Nordeman, seem real and genuine to the listener, like her heart is in her songs. (Hillary Kelly)

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I'd be happy to do announcements for people, but only those concerning the group as a whole, and the Common Ground ministries. The DW editors have the right to accept or refuse an announcement for any reason. Those that don't make it into the Weekly can be posted onto the Weekend Update. However, I don’t like doing mass emails other than these two weekly newsletters, because I don’t want the 80+ people to be inundated with my emails. Thanks! DW Editors. (this was actually necessary... I was getting tons of email from people asking me to announce everything from car-washes to hang out nights... they thought that somehow people would read what I had to say... wink)

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