Monday, April 03, 2006

The Deuce Weekly, 4/2 - 4/9/01

Vol I, Iss VII

Here it is.. the first Deuce Weekly with a Top Ten List. This would grow to be come the most popular segment--and the most controversial.

The DRL (deuce request live) Top 5 of Everything
5… Scott, the manager guy at Pizza Hut. He took good care of us Thursday night.
4… SW Missouri State Women’s Team. Do you know who Jackie Stiles is? You should.
3… Daylight Savings Time. Finally! It wont get dark until like, nine now. Rock on.
2… To those three girls who feel like their names are never mentioned in The Deuce Weekly. Now, you can’t complain. : )
1… Chow Yun-Fat. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is an incredible piece of film. Go see it, like right now. Go ahead, leave what you are doing, and go see it.

Coming Up:
*This Tuesday, April 3rd, Wade Morris, the barefoot preacher guy, is doing a little service at Common Ground. Its free, so make sure you come and join us!

*Saturday, April 7th. Cracker Barrel Saturday. Meet at the CB on 119 around 10 am for our monthly breakfast time together.

*Friday, April 20th. Common Ground afire. Come out to Meredith Quintana’s place, as we set things on fire and have a great time of fellowship!

*Saturday, April 21st, during the day. We call is a Deucursion, and weather permitting, we are headed out to Oak Mountain to play all afternoon.

*Saturday, April 22nd, at night. Supertones, Reliant K and Switchfoot at Metro Church o’God.

*Saturday, April 28th, the Dove Awards, at The Deuce. Well, the awards themselves aren’t at The Deuce, but we’ll be watching them on tv from The Deuce. You get the point.

*Sunday, April 29th, Life Connection Luncheon at the Refuge, behind Valleydale. Noon.

*May 4-6, Common Ground goes to PCB. The Prayer! The Water! The Chicks in Bathing Suits!

The Spotlight Haiku
Its getting harder and harder to decide who gets the haiku every week. Everyone will get one eventually, but in what order? Let’s see… let’s give our salute to a Friend of the Deuce this week to… Ty Coffey.
Ty owns Samford U
with a cell phone, and, one day
He will own you too

If I could be serious for a moment…
This I the one serious paragraph in all of The Deuce Weekly, and I want to use it to pass along any major prayer requests or to make any comments that I feel God wants me to make. If you have anything you feel like you want to share, please let me know. This week, I just want to simply remind you that if you are planning on going to Seattle with Sybil Johnson’s group, you need to get your money in ASAP.

Coming Soon
*May 16th… Timothy McVeigh is put to death. Burn baby burn. : )
*June… Deuce History Month
*June 28-30… WalkAbout: On Holy G’Round dinner theater
*July 7th… DeuceFestDeuce
*July… The Deuce Invitational Golf Championship
*August 4th… So Long, Steph, a goodbye party for The Deuce First Lady
*August 7th… *N’Sync in concert
*September 1st… The Deuce Football Championships
*October 6th… Deuce Night, our first semi-formal
*December 8th… It’s a Wonderful Deuce

Our New Top Ten List:
Top Ten Signs You’ve Eaten Too Much at the Nipps House on Sunday

10. Ken and Lynn start to stack sandbags around you.
9. You read your weight would be perfect for your body size… if you were 15 ft 7 inches tall.
8. You fall down in the kitchen and suddenly, an earthquake in Yemen claims 700 lives
7. Michael looks at you and says, “Dude, you’re fat.”
6. You decide to take a nap in April, and you wake up around Labor Day.
5. You bear a striking resemblance to Meatloaf, from the hit motion picture “Black Dog”.
4. Ashley looks at you and says “Oh my gosh, you eat a lot!”.
3. The Inverness fire department is called to get your dumpy butt off the couch.
2. Tiny Amy Vos begins to orbit around you, due to your gravitational pull
1. You’re sweating gravy!

I have gotten lots of feedback about this newsletter, and most of it is positive. So, please keep the ideas and comments coming, and if you have anything to contribute, be it events or dates, or a top ten list, please pass it along.

To unsubscribe, please reply with “remove”, and I’ll take you off… after you send in your $35.00 removal fee.

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