Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Deuce Weekly, 4/10 - 4/16/01

Vol I, Iss VIII

The DRL (deuce request live) Top Five of Everything
5… Tiger Woods, Master of the Masters. He won again, by the way.
4… Ashley Dekker. Did you see the size of the Common Ground newsletter? It was huge!
3… Ecclesia. Out of Matthew 16:18, it’s a small new church in downtown B’ham. Very trendy, very cool.
2… Opening Day. The boys of summer are back.
1… Ty Coffey, taking another step today towards owning Samford, and that much closer to World Domination.

Easter Plans:
For those of you not sitting with family, or with no family around to sit with, here’s my preliminary plan. This is tentative, so don’t carve it in stone just yet. Meet at the Deuce at 5pm, and we can all go out to eat somewhere. We can all go to the church afterwards and sit together for the 7pm service. For those who don’t want to eat, just meet in the lobby at 6:30.
Afterwards, come back to The Deuce where we’ll have a special screening of the production “Stephen”. While not an Easter story, it is the modern retelling of the martyrdom of Stephen, and trust me, you’ll get a lot out of it.

Coming Soon:
*Friday, April 20th, Common Ground afire! Come on out to Meredith Quintana’s house, as we set things on fire and have a great time of fellowship.

*Friday, April 20th, all night, Meredith Q wanted me to announce Chick’s Night at her house, all night movies and makeup and talking about boys and playing MASH and all that sissy stuff.

*Saturday, April 21st, during the day… play the day away at Oak Mountain!

*Saturday, April 21st, at night, Supertones, Reliant K and Switchfoot in concert! Metro Church O’God

*Saturday, April 28th, The Dove Awards at The Deuce. Well, not actually at The Deuce, but in Nashville, but come to The Deuce and watch it with us.

*Sunday, April 29th, Life Connection luncheon at The Refuge, after church.

*May 4-6, Common Ground goes to PCB. Prayer, worship, women. Christian women are righteous babes, remember that.

The Spotlight Haiku
Given each week to honor one of our great Deuce friends. This week, the honor goes to Sybil Johnson
A godly lady
Opens up her home to us
And plans beach trips too

If I Could Be Serious for a minute…
Please take a few minutes sometime in the next few days, and remember Wade Morris and his family. They lost their first child not too long ago, and God is really making himself known throughout it all.

Coming Soon…
*May 3rd… Survivor Finale! There is no TNBS, so come over and watch my Elisabeth walk away with a million dollars!
*May 16th… Timothy McVeigh is put to death
*June… Deuce History Month
*June 28th-30th… WalkAbout: On Holy G’Round dinner theater
*July 7th… DeuceFestDeuce
*July 14th… Le Perc at Common Ground
*July… The Deuce Invitational Golf Championships
*August 4th… So Long Steph, a goodbye to the Deuce First Lady
*August 7th… *N’Sync in Concert
*September 1st… The Deuce Football Championships
*October 6th… Deuce Night, a semi formal of great proportions
*December 8th… It’s a Wonderful Deuce Christmas

The New Top Ten List…
Top Ten Greatest Books of All Time Featuring a Guy Named Josh

10. War and Peace and Josh
9. Black Dog Josh
8. The Grapes of Josh
7. Joshcolae: Book Three of the Josh Behind series.
6. The Prayer of Joshbez
5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Joshes
4. I Kissed Dating, and Josh, Goodbye
3. Time Life Mysteries of the Unknown XVI: The Secrets of the Josh Ness Monster
2. Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus, Josh is from Brewton
And Number One:
The Bible (King Josh Version)

To Be Removed:
Hit “reply” and type “remove” on the email, and with your $38.00 removal fee, you’ll be taken off the list.

Be a Part:
We are declaring June as Deuce History Month! And with that, comes a chance to be a part of the Deuce Weekly. We need spotlight haiku for Tom, Shawn, Michael, and for Fisher and Malcolm (they can go together). These will be used throughout May and June! First up is Tom. The deadline for the best Tom Haiku will be April 23rd, to be used in the April 30th DW. Remember, a haiku is a three line poem, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the third.

Have a great week!

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